UTF-8 http://o7s6b.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
:)zerosevenS6B says hi_


we are 07S6B, a class of 26 people who come from all walks of life. we have two top scorers (10 A1s). we are proud to say that we emerged as champion ct for combined sports meet. we play all forms of sports- soccer, vball, bball, squash and badminton. we also play mind sports like weiqi and chinese chess. we are also musically talented, with guitarists, a violinist, pianists and CO-ist?. lastly we come from the cool blue faculty artemis and study in the institution hwachong

jts 03/02

  ;class members.
`wenjing mickey mouse
`farrica mao2mao2
   状元 - 10A1s!!!



`sophia sohsoh or fifi

`tingjun stoner gamer
`andre mike
`zhiwei old man


   `eddie longan or cow
`kaiming chips&dale

`wenwei monkey
`chenyang dajie

`longyi ln e

`xionghuaimAo (osh)
`yaohui 要花yaohua
woody woodpecker
  状元 - 10A1s!!!

`yaolei you tiao

`Mr Lawrence Remedios
 ]Civics Tutor
 ]Students Council
 ]Wonderful toys

`Ms Lim Siew Hui
 ]CIP unit

`Ms Jacqueline Phua

`Mrs Chan-Lim Yin-Shin
 ]General Paper
 ]Student Devt unit

`Ms Khoo Lilin
 ]General Paper

`Mrs Chiw Pui San

`Mrs Lim-Tan Wee Hoon

wishing you all a happy bdae (early or late) :D
02/08 ;sophia
31/07 ;longyi
28/06 ;jack
18/06 ;zhenchao
15/06 ;ivan
12/06 ;zhijie
13/05 ;honghao
05/05 ;eddie
28/04 ;chenyang
24/04 ;michael
22/03 ;catherine
19/03 ;sionghwai
14/03 ;kaiming
07/03 ;melissa

   .:upcoming events:.
25/08 -olympics closing
26/08 -GP1&2 prelims
01/09 -teachers' day
08/09 -econs1&2 prelims
09/09 -maths1 prelims
10/09 -chem3 prelims
11/09 -phy3 prelims
12/09 -phy2 prelims
15/09 -maths2 prelims
16/09 -yaohui's bdae
16/09 -chem1&2 prelims
17/09 -phy1 prelims
25/09 -farrica's bdae
01/10 -childrens' day
19/10 -ali's bdae
08/11 -zhiwei's bdae
09/11 -jiankai's bdae

+campfire item -fac rep
+o levels: 2 top scorers
+cross country 07:
   koh kaiming -1st
   lin longyi -4th
   yao lei -14th
+class experiences 2007
 [blog competition]: -1st
+sports meet 2007:
   champion ct
+fac shield: artemis
+cross country 08:
   koh kaiming -1st
   lin longyi -7th
   [mass run]
   jack lim -6th
   sim zhenchao -9th

  ;artemis farmily.
artemis ;whom we fight for
04S63 ;greatgrandseniors
05S63 ;grandseniors
06S6B ;senior class
06S63 ;aunty class
08S6B ;juniors
07S61 ;
07S63 ;
07S65 ;
07S67 ;
07S69 ;
07S6D ;
07S6F ;
07S6H ;
07S6K ;

  ;07s6b farmily.
wen - jing

  ;big hc farmily.
hwachong ;who we are
07A10 ;
07A11 ;
07A12 ;
07A13 ;
07A14 ;
07A15 ;
07S60 ;
07S62 ;
07S64 ;
07S66 ;
07S68 ;
07S6A ;
07S6C ;
07S6E ;
07S6G ;
07S6J ;
07S70 ;
07S71 ;
07S72 ;
07S73 ;
07S74 ;
07S75 ;
07S76 ;
07S77 ;
07S78 ;
07S79 ;
07S7A ;
07S7B ;
07S7C ;
07S7D ;
07S7E ;
07S7F ;

Get many points for csm
ARTEMIS win fac shield!!
Get promoted :)

January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
July 2008
August 2008
October 2008
December 2008
January 2009
March 2009
May 2009

    Saturday, May 16 flew away


Hahaha hello moto everyone this blog is pretty dead for now. FOR NOW. :D

Anyway! We haven't met in a while, so Kaiming / Mel / Cat / I thought that we should have a class gathering soon, maybe in June after Siong Hwai / Zhiwei / Zhen Chao / Kaiming POP. :) YEP! It'd be good to catch up with everyone again. And maybe -hopefully- with our teachers as well :)

On a random note, the new Artemis Dept Fac Head is from our grand-junior class, haha! :D

Okay anyway take care everyone :)

Wen Jing

Anonymous made days fly;
00:55 +